Paul Kelly

Professor Paul Kelly

Chief Medical Officer and Head of Interim Australian Centre for Disease Control at the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Professor Paul Kelly is currently the Chief Medical Officer and Head of Interim Australian Centre for Disease Control at the Australian Government Department of Health and AgedCare. A public health physician and epidemiologist by training, Professor Kelly first joined the Department in March 2019 as the Chief Medical Adviser, Health Products Regulation Group.

Prior to these appointments, Professor Kelly spent 8 years as Chief Health Officer for the Australian Capital Territory and Deputy Director-General of Population Health in the ACT Government Health Directorate. Professor Kelly has previously worked in research, health systems development, post-graduate teaching and as a health service executive including Director of Australia’s field epidemiology program at the Australian National University (ANU), and in the NorthernTerritory working as a Principal Research Fellow with the Menzies School of Health Research, as well as with the Centre for Disease Control in the NT Department of Health.

Professor Kelly has also worked in Malawi, Indonesia, East Timor and the UK. Professor Kelly has over 30 years research experience and has published over 130 peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and public health guidelines. He has supervised or mentored many trainees and post-graduate students and delivered lectures, workshops, seminars and conference talks in Australia and internationally.


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