Lady Roz

Lady Roslyn Morauta

Chair of the Board of the Global Fund

Lady Roslyn Morauta is the Chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. She has a long association with the Global Fund having served as Vice-Chair, alternate Board Member for the Western Pacific Region constituency, and as Chair of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Country Coordinating Mechanism. From her time also as first lady of Papua New Guinea, she has steadily championed health, HIV programs and gender issues.

Lady Roslyn Morauta has worked in Papua New Guinea for the National Planning Office, the Department of Finance and Treasury and in the private sector, both as a management consultant and running businesses. Originally from Australia, she has lived and worked in Papua New Guinea since 1982. Prior to that, she worked in publishing in England, taught politics at the University of Ghana, the Australian National University and Queensland University.

In addition to her work on the Global Fund board, Lady Roslyn Morauta serves on the boards of Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) and Pacific Friends of Global Health, and as a member of The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ board of trustees. She has previously served as a member of the Anglicare (PNG) board, the PNG National AIDS Council, the Asia-Pacific Leadership Forum on HIV/AIDS, the PNG Alliance of Civil Society Organisations Against HIV/AIDS and the PNG Maritime College Board.


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