Side Events

Global Health Security Conference: Coming Soon!
Dates : Announced Soon
Location : Announced Soon

Side Events at GHS2024

Welcome to GHS 2024 Side Events!

We are thrilled to announce that GHS2024 will see a variety of side events to complement the main conference.

These side events will provide delegates with additional opportunities for networking, learning, and engaging with global health experts.

Stay tuned for more details as we finalise the schedule and locations for these exciting side events. We are working hard to curate a diverse range of event activities, meetings, and workshops that cater to different interests and professional backgrounds in the field of global health.

Whether you are looking to attend workshops on healthcare innovations, panel discussions on global health challenges, or networking sessions with leading experts, our side events will offer something for everyone. They are designed to enhance your overall conference experience and provide valuable insights and connections in the field of global health.

Make sure to bookmark this page and check back frequently for updates. We will be sharing more information about the side events, including how you can register and get involved in shaping the future of global health.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support as we prepare for GHS2024. We can’t wait to welcome you to these exciting side events that will add even more value to your conference experience in the dynamic field of global health.

See you at GHS 2024!

WHO Side Event

Save The Date Who Side Event Final 1

Join WHO for a ground breaking side-event that explores the intricate tapestry of health security preparedness: “Beyond Boundaries: Navigating the Future of Global Health Security and Building a Safe and Secure World“. The meeting will delve into the World Health Organization’s central role in supporting countries to strengthen health emergency preparedness and response capacities.

Save the date, and let’s navigate the path to a safer and healthier tomorrow together!

WHEN: Monday 17 June, 2024 – 12:00pm – 3:00pm

WHERE: International Convention Centre (ICC), Sydney, Australia (Room C3.6)

WHAT’S INCLUDED: Lunch will be served at 12:00pm on a first come first served basis with limited numbers

KDCA Side Event

Kdca Flyer

Join us for a unique opportunity! The Republic of Korea has recently launched the Global Health Security Coordination Office (GHSCO) to serves as a platform to facilitate multilateral and multi-sectoral cooperation. Gap analysis based on WHO Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is one way to address to figure out the bottom of the global challenge against next pandemic. Eventually the world needs to prepare for the global resilient health system including more compatible digital solution, not to repeat the failure of COVID-19. To achieve this goal, global, regional collaboration and cooperation must be accompanied.

WHEN: Monday 17 June, 2024 – 2:30pm – 5:30pm

WHERE: International Convention Centre (ICC), Sydney, Australia (Room C3.5)

WHAT’S INCLUDED: Arrival Tea & Coffee at registration

Global Health Law Side Event

Ghs 2024 Side Event Agenda (6 June 2024)

Join us for the GHLIG and its co-sponsors’ ‘The World Together’ In Pandemic Preparedness & Response Event. This gathering will shine a spotlight on taking stock of global efforts to strengthen law, human rights, and ethical considerations surrounding pandemics and public health emergencies.

If you’re attending without registering for the conference, please email to reserve your spot. Alternatively, select “Learn More & Register” to scan the QR code and secure your spot.

WHEN: Monday 17 June, 2024 – Full Day Event, 9:00am – 5:30pm

WHERE: International Convention Centre (ICC), Sydney, Australia (Room C3.3)

WHAT’S INCLUDED: Arrival Tea & Coffee, Morning Tea, Lunch & Afternoon Tea


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