Global Health Security Conference: Coming Soon!
Dates : Announced Soon
Location : Announced Soon

The conference program will be conducted in English only.

Day 1 – Tuesday 18 June 2024
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2 C4.6 C4.7 C4.8 C4.9 C4.10 Room C4.4 The Gallery
7.15am – 8.30am Registration
The Gallery
8:30 am – 9:00 am Official Conference Welcome
Darling Harbour Theatre
Professor Adam Kamradt-Scott, GHS2024 Co-convenor, Dr. Jiang Yanyong Visiting Professor of Global Health Security, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Professor Rebecca Katz, GHS2024 Co-convenor, Director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University
Professor Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer, Australia

Welcome to Country
Michael West, Community Development & Partnerships at Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council
9.00am – 10.00am Women in Global Health Security Leadership
Darling Harbour Theatre

The Hon. Yolanda Awel Deng, Minster of Health, South Sudan
Ms Precious Matsoso, Co-chair, INB Pandemic Treaty
Dr Ada Bacetty, Department Chief, Biological Threat Reduction, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dr Aalisha Sahukhan, Ministry of Health, Fiji
Dr Ayoade Alakija, Chair, FIND
Moderator: Amanda McClelland, Vice President, Resolve to Save Lives
10.00am – 11.00am Ministerial Keynote Session: Strengthening Health Security Capacities & Cooperation
Darling Harbour Threatre

The Hon. Yolanda Awel Deng, Minster of Health, South Sudan
The Hon. Dr Lino Tom, Minister of Health, Papua New Guinea
The Hon. Dr Firass Abiad, Minister of Public Health, Lebanon
Moderator: Ambassador Dr Lucas de Toca, Ambassador for Global Health, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Australia
11.00am – 11.30am Morning Tea
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2 C4.6 C4.7 C4.8 C4.9 C4.10 Room C4.4 The Gallery
11.30am – 12.30pm FETP & Workforce Capacity Building in the Asia-Pacific Critical Lessons from COVID-19 IHR Capacity Building via JEE & NAPHS Utilizing Data & Epidemic Intelligence for Global Health Security Equity, Trade & Innovation Challenges Conflict and Health 1 Elevating Gender Equity in Global Health Security: Insights from Women in Global Health
Bringing the Field to the Classroom: Leveraging FETP Situated Learning to Prepare the Health Security Workforce

Matthew Griffith
Preventing COVID-19 Traveller’s Transmission Through Multisectoral Collaboration and Advocacy: Bali’s Point Of Entry

Nabila Yasminuljannah Rahmani
An Incomplete Picture: NAPHS costing data

Stephanie Eaneff
Strengthening Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Intelligence in Africa: The Health Security Partnership in Africa

Wilmot James
The Biopharmaceutical Industry Commitments on Equitable Access in Pandemics

Lawrence Kerr
Vaccination challenges for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, 2022

Oleksandra Karkishchenko
Gender-Responsive Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention, Response and Recovery

Venus Mushininga
Field Epidemiology Escape Room: a novel interactive training environment

Amy Parry
Mandatory isolation and stress during Nepal’s COVID response: Community engagement in future health emergencies

Sudha Ghimire
Strengthening health security in Kyrgyzstan: Rapid progress from JEE to capacity development planning and implementation

Bakyt Dzhangaziev
Developing National Electronic Database Platform for Diagnostic and Research Laboratories Handling High-Consequence Agents and Toxins

Wael ElRayes
Leveraging Trade, FDI, and IP Policies for Equitable Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer in the Post-Pandemic Era

Ronald Tundang
Determinants of Quality of Life among women living with HIV/AIDS caused by sexual violence in armed conflict-affected areas, DR Congo

Henoch Ciswaka Kabeya
Fit For Women? Safe and decent Personal Protective Equipment for women health & care workers

Duha Shellah
Developing a One Health Field Epidemiology Training Program in Papua New Guinea

Kelitha Malio
Managing epistemic, strategic and institutional uncertainty during COVID-19 decision-making: a six-country study

Sumegha Asthana
Utilization of Joint External Evaluation Scores and After-Action Reviews to Strengthen Capacity in West Africa

Kerton Victory
Climate-driven models of leptospirosis dynamics in tropical islands from three oceanic basins

Lea Douchet
Supporting infectious disease diagnostic research and development for Africa with biobanking activities

Imane El Idrissi
Mitigation strategies to reduce attacks on polio workers in high-risk districts of Pakistan

Shahid Ahmad
The Great Resignation: Why women health workers are leaving

Reneepearl Kim Sale
Moderator Edwin Salvadore Kendra Chittendon Ricardo Echalar Jodie McVernon Nithin Ramakrishnan Elizabeth Gonese Meru Sheel
12.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch
Poster Presentations
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2 C4.6 C4.7 C4.8 C4.9 C4.10 Room C4.4 The Gallery
1.30pm – 3.30pm Assessing and Optimizing Diagnostic Networks to Improve Performance during Routine and Shock Health Events Building a Global One Health Community of Leaders for Laboratory System Strengthening and Health Security Lessons learned and ways forward for MCM stockpiling, pooled procurement, and supply chains ‘What works?’: Community engagement to strengthen health security Biosecurity for Global Health Security: The FAO Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (PMP-TAB) Wastewater and Environmental Surveillance (WES) globally and its applications in community settings Domestic Resource Mobilization for Epidemic Preparedness The Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Public Health Emergencies”: a practical toolkit for public health practitioners and policy-makers Co-designing a unifying roadmap for One Health Security Communicating Actionable Insights Using the Solutions Journalism Framework Safeguarding nucleic acid synthesis: why and how to screen customers and order Introduction to the use of genomic data for decision making for policy makers and public health stakeholders Localizing FETP: Mainstreaming Social Science into FETP Activities through Rapid Qualitative Methods (RQMs) Novel patient isolation systems for enhancing infection prevention and control and improving patient care in outbreak response for high-consequence pathogens in resource-limited settings
FHI360 Association of Public Health Laboratories Office of Global Affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Australian Red Cross Food and Agriculture Organisation US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global Health Advocacy Incubator Sheffield Hallam University Women for One Health Network Nigeria Health Watch IBBIS Centre for Pathogen Genomics, University of Melbourne Georgetown University Global Center for Health Security, University of Nebraska Medical Center
3.30pm – 4.00pm Afternoon Tea

The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2 C4.6 C4.7 C4.8 C4.9 C4.10 Room C4.4 The Gallery
4.00pm – 6.00pm Assessing and Optimizing Diagnostic Networks to Improve Performance during Routine and Shock Health Events [CONT.] Building a Global One Health Community of Leaders for Laboratory System Strengthening and Health Security [CONT.] Lessons learned and ways forward for MCM stockpiling, pooled procurement, and supply chains
Biosecurity for Global Health Security: The FAO Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (PMP-TAB)
Threatcasting For Global Health Security Mitigating Threats & Challenges Area: Biosafety & Biosecurity The Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Public Health Emergencies”: a practical toolkit for public health practitioners and policy-makers [CONT.] Building a bridge between research and practice for stronger zoonotic disease surveillance systems in Africa Combatting AMR in resource-constrained settings Growing the Pie: Mobilizing Additional, Predictable, and Sustainable Sources of Financing for Global Health Security The importance of capacity building for pathogen genomics: accessibility, delivery, monitoring and evaluation Basics of data analysis and visualization for global health security Novel patient isolation systems for enhancing infection prevention and control and improving patient care in outbreak response for high-consequence pathogens in resource-limited settings
FHI360 Association of Public Health Laboratories Office of Global Affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Agriculture Organisation Kings College London African Society for Laboratory Medicine Sheffield Hallam University EcoHealth Alliance Management Sciences for Health Pandemic Action Network Centre for Pathogen Genomics, University of Melbourne & FIND Georgetown University Global Center for Health Security, University of Nebraska Medical Center
6.00pm – 7.30pm Welcome Reception
The Gallery

Why aren’t we prepared for the next pandemic? How can we be?
R.t. Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Former UNDP A
Moderator: Dr Ayoade Alakija, CHAIR, Find

The conference program will be conducted in English only.

Day 2 – Wednesday 19 June 2024
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
7.00am – 8.00am Breakfast Sponsored Sessions
GARDP/SECURE: Addressing the antibiotic access challenge: Market shaping interventions for AMR – (Room C3.4)
Carter Center: A Transformative Approach to Global Health Security: The Carter Center’s Experience – (Room C4.2)
Deloitte: Pandemic-Proof PPE: Needs and Gaps in PPE Throughout the World – (Room C4.4)
8.00am – 9.00am Reducing Biothreats Worldwide
Darling Harbour Theatre

Dr Ada Bacetty, Department Chief, Biological Threat Reduction, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
MAJ GEN (Ret.) Dr Paul Friedrichs, Senior Director for Global Health Security & Biodefense, The U.S. White House
Mr Trevor Smith, Deputy Director, Weapons Threat Reduction Program, Global Affairs Canada
Moderator: Dr Felicia Pradera, Head, Health Security Systems Australia, DMTC Limited
9.00am – 9.15am Address by the Hon. Mark Butler MP, Australian Minister for Health and Ageing Australia
Darling Harbour Theatre

9.15am – 10.15am What is the role of CDC’s in a Post-COVID World?
Darling Harbour Theatre
Professor Paul Kelly, Australian Chief Medical Officer, Interim ACDC Director
Professor Vernon Lee, Executive Director, Interim Communicable Diseases Agency, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Dr Aalisha Sahukhan, Head of Health Protection and Fiji CDC, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
Dr Kayla Laserson, Director, Global Health Center, US CDC
Dr Satoshi Ezoe, Director, Global Health Strategy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
Moderator: Ms Selina Lo, Australian Global Health Alliance
10.15am – 10.45am Morning Tea
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
10.45am – 11.45am Cyber Threats to Health Strengthening African Health Security WASH & Health Security Mitigating Dengue in South East Asia & the Pacific Implementing One Health Across Regions 1 Re-conceptualizing Global Health Security Critical Perspectives on Access & Benefit Sharing
Cyberbiosecurity: Implications for Military Forces in the Indo Pacific

Frank Smith III
Efforts to Strengthen Cross Border Surveillance, Coordination and Information sharing in Africa

Mallion Kangume
A spatiotemporal analysis of water, sanitation and hygiene disruption and waterborne diseases in northern Syria

Maia Tarnas
Dengue Vaccine Status in the ASEAN Region

Rex Jardeleza
One Health AMR capacity and capability building program across the Pacific: COMBAT-AMR

Angeline Ferdinand
Biosecurity Vulnerability in Oceanic Island Nations: The Caribbean Paradigm

Kirk Douglas
The Origins of the ABS Mechanism

Michelle Rourke
Cybersecurity & Healthcare Information Technologies: Plugging Cracks & Crevices in eHealth Deployments

Emmanuel Chinomso Ogu
The West Africa Health Organization as a Specialized Health Institution of a Regional Economic Community

Aishat Bukola Usman
Strengthening WASH and IPC to control the cholera outbreak in Uganda

Shillah Nakato
Dengue in the Pacific: Linking outbreaks, events and human mobility data

Justin Sexton
Fostering One Health Concept to Tackle Zoonosis: Current Status in Middle East Region

Muhammad Farooq Tahir
Re-imagining a risk assessment & capacity building framework to address climate-related catastrophic threats

Jamechia Hoyle
ABS in Global Health: The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework

Sam Halabi
Hacktivism in conflict and the threat to healthcare

Rose Bernard
Expanding animal-health surveillance capacities with an Animal Quarantine Center (AQC) at the Liberia-Guinea border

Armando Cotrina Rabanal
Improving Infection Prevention and Control and Hand Hygiene Using a Continuous Quality Improvement in Uganda

Hassan Kasujja
Knowledge, attitude & practice (KAP) on Dengue among Bangladeshi city dwellers during deadliest Dengue upsurge

Sharmi Saha
Multisectoral Collaboration in the Implementation of Small hold farm biosecurity measures

Melanie Pescadilla
Development of Competencies for Global Health Security

Oladele Ogunseitan
Pathogen ABS in the Pandemic Treaty: Where Are We Now?

Mark Eccleston-Turner
Moderator Nathan Paxton Virgile Kikaya Amanda McClelland Ayelet Berman Keith Hamilton Corina Monagin Emma Ross
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
11.45am – 12.45pm Stregthening Health Security via Legal Approaches Financing Health Security Capacity Building Strengthening ASEAN Health Security Enhancing Biosecurity & Biosafety Social Science for Health Security Pathogen Genomics in Asia for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness & Response Expanding Public Health Access for Mobile Populations in Latin America
The legal path towards Universal Health Coverage and health security

Stéphanie Dagron
Evolving the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to Address Pandemic Threats

Shuen Chai
ASEAN One Health Network and One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH-JPA): Lessons and recommendations

Janine Mitchell
Biosurveillance, Biosecurity, and Laboratory Networks

Stephanie Petzing
How can we better embed social science in pandemic preparedness, response and resilience?

Kerrie Wiley
Genomic Pathogen Surveillance: Charting the Legal, Policy & Governance Landscape

Ayelet Berman
A migrant health surveillance system piloted in Mexico

Nirma Bustamante
Building epidemic preparedness architecture through national legal reforms

Cédric Apercé
Follow the Money: A Global Analysis of Funding Dynamics for Global Health Security

Hailey Robertson
Commercial Determinants of Health Security: South-East Asia Lens

Kashish Aneja
Improving Biosafety and Biosecurity in Laboratory Design, Construction and Renovation

Maria Landron
Operational social science in multisectoral emergency response: Rapid Assessments and RCCE in Malawi’s cholera response

Rachel James
Pathogen Genomics in resource-constrained Asia: From surveillance to prevention and outbreak control

Ruklanthi de Alwis
Border Health Surveillance in Central America

Parminder Suchdev
From Charity to Solidarity: Building a Networked Platform for Equitable Countermeasures for the Pandemic Age

Courtney Carson
Advancing a Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for the Pandemic Fund

Diah Saminarsih
Evolution of the ASEAN Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Network to prevent and control emerging & resurgent diseases

Novia Kuswara
Biosafety and biosecurity in the context of collaboration between military health services and public health

Júlio Carvalho
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Dengue fever among Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals

Mohammed Zahidul Alam
Implementation of Pathogen Genomic Surveillance in resource-constrained settings

Syarifah Liza Munira
HIV prevention and treatment services for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, Peru, and Panama

Janell Wright
Moderator Mark Eccleston-Turner Deidre Williams Robin Davies Ryan Wilkinson Sam Halabi Lisa Ioannidis Paulina Giusti
12.45pm – 2.15pm Lunch
Poster Presentations
The Gallery
12.45pm – 2.15pm Lunch Sponsored Sessions
Resolve to Save Lives: – Epidemics That Didn’t Happen: how responsive health systems are preventing epidemics worldwide – (Room Cockle Bay 1)
MTPConnect and CARB-X: Antimicrobial Resistance; Access challenges and addressing the stagnating pipeline of
new products in development – (Room C3.6)
Chatham House & Global Health Security Fund : Strategic stockpiling for supply chain resilience: Considerations for health emergency preparedness
and deterrence by denial – (Room C4.4)
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
2.15pm – 3.15pm Mitigating Health-related Misinformation: a new old challenge Addressing Health Security Governance Strengthening Latin American Health Security Achieving Vaccination Equity Making Biosecurity in Ukraine Fit-for-Purpose Strengthening South East Asia Health Security Health Security R&D
Navigating the Anthrax Outbreak: Dispelling Misinformation Amidst a Public Health Emergency in Zambia

Sandra Nokafu Chipanta
How health securitisation shapes health system priorities: A Realist Synthesis

Delaram Akhavein
Designing a contextually appropriate behavior change campaign to increase COVID-19 vaccination: lessons from Peru

Paulina Giusti
Putting The Last First: The Case Study of Vaccine Equity in Indonesia

Olivia Herlinda
An Unusual Outbreak Raises Uncomfortable Questions

Filippa Lentzos
Dismantling Barriers between the Environment/Biosphere and Public Health sectors in ASEAN

Gabriella Corrigan
Funding for emerging infectious disease R&D

Paul Barnsley
Combating the Infodemic on social media: An Analysis of Countermeasures Implemented during COVID-19 in Pakistan

Majid Ali Tahir
The Governance of Gene Synthesis in Asia: Preliminary Findings

Ayelet Berman
Evaluation of COVID-19 Surveillance System in Honduras

Lorenzo Pavón
Innovative Approaches to Enhance COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: The Africa CDC Saving Lives and Livelihoods Program

Nebiyu Dereje
Ukrainian Biosecurity: A Lived Experience

Iryna Demchyshyna
Joint threat and hazard prioritization with cross-border collaboration to enhance EOC’s capacities

Chat Chiyaso
Harnessing COVID-19’s Genomics Legacy for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Swapna Uplekar

A Narrative Review of Global COVID-19 Vaccine Diplomacy and Its Implications for Vaccine Equity in Africa

Festus Adams

Lost gains in Child Vaccination: Analysis of national health surveys in eight LMICs

Kiddus Yitbarek Kehali
Opportunities and Pathways for Strengthening Biosecurity in Ukraine

Gemma Bowsher
ASEAN Regional Centre for addressing Public Health Emergency and Emerging Diseases

Ferdinal Fernando
Sustainable, Predictable Financing for Global Genomic Surveillance: The Genomics Costing Tool

Noah Hull
Moderator Victoria Ng Clare Wenham Kirk Douglas Julie Leask Donell Harvin James Lawler Kafui Dzasi
3.15pm – 3.45pm Afternoon Tea
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
3.45pm – 4.45pm Negotiating the Pandemic Treaty Leveraging PEPFAR Platforms to Strengthen Health Systems & Security Indigenous Health in Indigneous Hands: Learnings from COVID-19 Enhancing Health Systems & Data to Mitigate Malaria Enhancing Outbreak Detection & Response Sustaining COVID-19 Gains to ensure Health Security Climate and Health: The Time Was Yesterday
Working towards an International Vaccine Equity Treaty: Developing a Framework

Sivan Saraswathy
COVID-19 Shifted PEPFAR Emphasis on Health Security and Systems

Lindsey Yessick
The ACCHO model and the national response

Jason Agostino
Challenges in Integrated Disease Surveillance & Response in Early Warning

Wangeci Gatei
Leveraging technologies developed for COVID for future outbreak response – the Samoa experience

Falelima Nati Ropati
Sustaining COVID-19 gains in Fragile Settings

Richard Brennan
Global Health Infrastructure: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Gabrielle Sobel
WHO’s social participation mechanisms in the pandemic agreement negotiations

Leandro Viegas
Strengthening Global Health Security through investments in NPHIs for the HIV Response

Danielle Barradas
Implementing the priority reforms to combat COVID-19

Melinda Turner
Tracking Malaria Epi-Threshold Data to Detect Outbreaks

Albert Ikonje
Controlling an epidemic: Learning from response to Nipah virus in Kerala, India

Rajnish Prasad
Global Lessons learnt in COVID-19 pandemic response

Valerie Nkamgang Bemo
Global Health Technology: Integrating Climate Early Warning Systems and Disease Surveillance

Kaushik Sarkar
Nigeria’s negotiations of the Drafting of the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Onyekachi Nwitte-Eze
Assessing Infection Prevention and Control Practices in PEPFAR Supported Programs

Maria Insua
First Nations Pandemic Research Preparedness Network (FIRST)

Kristy Crooks
Leveraging Health Systems for Global Health Security

George Mgomella
Enhancing FIND’s Diagnostic Preparedness for EIDs: A Framework for Routine Response Activities

Devy Emperador
Science and new learning from COVID-19 pandemic

The Hon. Dr Firass Abiad
Global Health Education: Integrating climate into public health practice

Rana Jawad Ashgar
Moderator Emma Ross Deidre Williams Rebecca Ivers Marie Elliot Rebecca Dunfee Robin Davies Otto Helve
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
4.45pm – 5.45pm Community Engagement for Health Security Climate change in the Pacific & Disaster Risk Reduction Countering CBRN Threats 1 Strengthening Health Security Resilience Implementing One Health Across Regions 2 The Future of the IHR: Reflections from the IHR Review Committee Integrating Early Action Reviews and 7-1-7 targets in Global Outbreak Response
Empowering Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Crisis Recovery: The PN PRIMA Program in Indonesia

Anita Siti Fatonah
A tale of two cyclones: Disaster Risk Reduction and Surgical Systems in Vanuatu

Elizabeth McLeod
Identifying, Understanding and Countering WMD Disinformation

Filippa Lentzos
Biosecurity Central: a publicly available web-based library of the most used biosecurity resources

Tess Stevens
Pharos: A global weather system for wildlife disease surveillance

Ellie Graeden
The IHR role in response, collaboration and assistance

Aalisha Sahukhan
Evaluating Outbreak Performance Metrics during an Anthrax Outbreak Response: 7-1-7 virtual training in Kenya

Jedidah Kiprop
Empowering Border Communities to Ensure Global Health Security Through Community-Based Surveillance and Risk Communication

Innocent Bidason Rwengo
Aligning Disaster Risk Reduction and Surgical System Strengthening in Fiji

Jemesa Tudravu
Lessons for Health Security from Chemical Weapons Disinformation

Gemma Bowsher
Building Resilient Systems for Public Health Emergency Management – Botswana Public Health Institute

Nokuthula Majingo
An evaluation of the One Health Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program of Papua New Guinea, 2023

Bethseba Peni
The PHEIC/Pandemic Conundrum

Clare Wenham
Using 7-1-7 and Early Action Reviews to inform national planning for health security: Uganda’s experience

Issa Makumbi
Promoting Community-based Disease Surveillance for Enhanced Early Warning in Southern and West Africa

Esron Karimuribo
AI-driven Projections of Climate Risk for Surgical Infrastructure in Pacific Island Countries

Christopher Horvat
Fostering Global Biosecurity in Africa: Lessons from German Biosecurity Programmes Approach

Stefan Kloth

Bridging Gaps and Building Resilience: Evaluating One Health Implementation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Marc Yambayamba
Discord in Article 43: travel, trade and health protection

Roojin Habibi
Integrating 7-1-7 into outbreak detection and response workflows in Recife, Brazil

Olivia Guaranha
Moderator Helen Evans Jonathan Abrahams Rebecca Dunfee Corina Monagin Jonathan Gass Jobin Abraham Mika Salminen

Day 3 – Thursday 20 June 2024
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
8.00am – 9.00am Legal Responses to Disease Events DNA & Gene Synthesis Engaging Faith-based & Community Actors for Health Security Utilizing Global Health Investments for Building Laboratory Capacity Addressing Vaccine Challenges Climate Change Impacts on Health Security in Africa Ensuring Equity in Global Digital Cooperation
COVID-19 and Ugandan Law: the development and enforcement of the Public Health Act, 2020 -2021

Martha Achan
A Global Common Mechanism to Safeguard DNA Synthesis Technology

Tessa Alexanian
Religious Leaders calling for action to boost National Immunization Polio Vaccination Campaign

Dinis Matsolo
Burkina Faso’s experience in setting up a national biobank framework NBF

Soumeya Ouangraoua
My body is a temple: Moral purity and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

Mesfin Genie
Linking Climate to Preparedness and Early Action in Uganda and Nigeria

Rabi Usman
Global Digital Cooperation and Artificial Intelligence

Denise Schalet
Review of the list of notifiable conditions in Vanuatu

Wendy Williams
BRIDGe: a networked approach to equitable access and implementation of pathogen genomics for public health

Ben Howden
The Role of Faith-Based Organizations during a Pandemic: A Case Study of Fiji’s 2021 COVID-19 Experience

Arieta Latianara
The impact of COVID-19 data coordination in Guatemala on future outbreak response

Victor Gallardo
Accelerating COVID-19 vaccination coverage through integration with routine immunization and PHC in Kenya

Colletta Kiilu
Perceptions of the Climate-Health Nexus in Nigeria: Insights from Social Listening

Kemisola Agbaoye
Utilizing Novel Data Sources for the “Good Enough”

Kaushik Sarkar
Legal Responses to COVID-19: Between International and Comparative Law

Pedro Villarreal
Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness in Africa: Synbio Africa’s Global Catastrophic Biological Risks Initiative

Geoffrey Otim
Enhancing COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: A Comprehensive Approach in Indonesia

John Leigh
Where next for NGS and other investments provided under COVID-19 response

Martin Adams

Standards for Official Statistics on Climate-Health Interactions

Kanza Ahmed
Strengthening Digital Capacity Building: Youth Perspective

Leah Goodman
Moderator Roojin Habibi Jaime Yassif Modeste Deffo Collin Weinberger David Beckham Virgile Kikaya Nithin Ramakrishnan
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
9.00am – 10.00am Rapid Response Teams & Community Engagement Mitigating Avian Influenza Using the JEE & NAPHS as catalysts for change Enhancing Contact Tracing & Detection Implementing One Health Across Regions 3 Climate change & Mosquito-borne pathogens Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Cross-border collaboration: Lessons from Africa
Barriers and enablers to provincial rapid response teams in Papua New Guinea responding to public health alerts

Emmanuel Hapolo
Finnish Approach to Health Security – From a Pandemic to HPAI in Fur Farms

Otto Helve
Insights from the 2023 National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) Annual Operational Planning in Nigeria

Lois Olajide
Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response: Learnings from prototyping in three African countries

Christopher Lee
Strengthening One Health Multisectoral Coordination Mechanisms at the Sub-national Level in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nigeria

Innocent Bidason Rwego
Navigating the changing climate: Advancements in enhanced mosquito-borne disease surveillance and control

Andrea Thomas
Interagency Risk Communication and Community Engagement response to the 2022 Uganda EVD Outbreak

Rachel James
The Red Cross Red Crescent approach to harnessing community action for health security

Abbey Byrne
Innovative “Farmer to Farmer” Approach in the Control of an Emergency Disease: the avian Influenza Outbreak in Guinea

Lisette Kohagne Tongue
The JEEs-a One Health catalyst

Jorge Pinto
Accelerating COVID-19 Contact Tracing Capacity through Multi-Sectoral Collaboration Training in Indonesia

Nurul Huda
Enhancing One Health integration for zoonoses using a region-specific bottom-up approach: Experience from India

Nochiketa Mohanty
The Impact of Flood 2022 on Malaria Incidence in Sindh, Pakistan

Mumtaz Ali Khan
Tackling Viral Haemorrhagic Fever (VHF) epidemics: the IFRC approach to regional cross-border collaboration

Henry Musembi
Strengthening uptake of novel Vector Control Tools through community awareness, engagement, and partnership

Kilon Manuv
Mapping the Risk of Spread of Avian Influenza Virus in Indonesia using multi-criteria decision modelling

Sri Irianingsih
Data-Driven Insights and Projections in Global Health Security from Joint External Evaluations

Jussi Sane
Promoting community empowerment and resilience through multistakeholder partnerships: the AFROHUN Kenya One Health Initiatives

Samuel Wanjohi
FETP Frontline + One Health launch of new curriculum in 6 pilot countries

Linda Quick
Assessment of impact of changing land-use on incidences of dengue in NCT Delhi, India

Vipasha Sharma
Uganda: Learning from Sierra Leone to develop a Safe and Dignified Burials training curriculum

Josephine Okwera
Moderator Paul Arbon Wasiq Khan Outi Kuivasniemi Matthew Boyce Maxine Whittaker James Lawler Trevor Shoemaker
10.00am – 10.30am Morning Tea
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
10.30am – 11.30am Enhancing National and Global Health Security through High-Level Isolation Unit Partnerships Critical Health Security Challenges: Malaria & TB Health Security Capacity-Building in the Americas Community Engagement in Outbreaks 1 Innovative Medical Countermeasures Leveraging Civil-Military Health Security Engagement Multidisciplinary tools for Outbreak Control
Networking high-level isolation units in the United States and globally: Building partnerships to advance preparedness

Jocelyn Herstein
Novel interventions to Mitigate Resistance to Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies in Uncomplicated Malaria

Adam Aspinall
Development of a Comprehensive Strategy for the Assessment of High Consequence Infectious Disease Programs in the US

Angela Vasa
Acknowledging community health workers roles in strengthening health systems resilience: Results from Indonesia

Aufia Espressivo
Molecular Clamp2- A protein subunit vaccine platform with promise for future pandemics

Noushin Jaberolansar
Strategic health impacts of climate change on ADF operations and personnel throughout Australia and the Pacific

Nathan George
Rapid Multi-Method Assessment on Wet Market Biosecurity and Local Food Security in the Philippines

Marianne Bongcac
Pre-hospital transfers for high-consequence infectious diseases using portable medical isolation units: Experience from Singapore

Poh-Lian Lim
Optimizing Tuberculosis Diagnosis: A Case for Targeted Symptom Combinations Over WHO Screening

Benson Otieno Ulo
Dual-Gendered Leadership: Gender-Inclusive Scientific-Political Public Health Communication Supporting Government COVID-19 Responses in Atlantic Canada

Haorui Wu
Reaching Vulnerable Group through multisectoral partnership on COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement

Yulianto Kurniawan
Broad-spectrum antivirals as a crucial tool for pandemic preparedness

Bangin Brim
Prevalence or exposure to vector borne diseases and tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea Defence Force personnel and their families

Krond Mond
Exploring Factors Affecting Childhood Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Uptake in Selected Regions of the Philippines

Maria Margarita Lota
Multidisciplinary cross-institution collaboration to advance paediatric, obstetric, and neonatal outbreak preparedness for high-consequence infectious diseases

Sapna Sadarangani
Promoting the “partnerships-based approach” in the National Malaria and Vector Borne Disease Control Program

Kaia Gamoga
Strengthen the Territorial Response in Public Health Surveillance through Community Health Surveillance Networks

Ana Ragonesi Muñoz
Community-Based Rabies Control Program in Bali

Pebi Suseno
Treatment Innovation in Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Resilience (PPR)

Benoit Laleu
Practical considerations for civil-military interaction during outbreaks & public health emergencies

Alexandria Nylen
Using Computational Epidemiology and Extreme Events Modeling Techniques to Estimate Epidemic and Pandemic Risk

Nita Madhav
Moderator Aaron Resnick Lindsey Yessick Louise Gresham Helen Evans Oyebola Oyebanji Ludy Suryantoro Valerie Nkamgang Bemo
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
11.30am – 12.30pm Addressing the AMR Challenge 1 Mpox Challenges & Response Health Security in the Northern Hemisphere Community Engagement in Outbreaks 2 Countering CBRN Threats 2 Technological & Programmatic Innovation to Enhance Health Security Elimination of Outbreaks with Severe Pandemic Potential: Lessons from New Zealand
Building Functional Multisectoral Coordination to fight AMR: Experiences from 13 Countries

Fozo Alombah
Chicago Public Health Department twitter communications during the COVID-19 and mpox pandemics

Matthew Boyce
Arctic Health Security: Evolving Threats and Novel Opportunities

Chelsea Payne
Cascading risk communication and community engagement efforts to support COVID-19 response in the DRC

Kristen Stolka
Analytical Estimation of Novichok Exposure Risk and Economic Consequences Using an SCR Vertex Mathematical Model

Tristan Learoyd
Revolutionizing pathogen detection at the point-of-care: universal sample processing solutions

Jon Arizti Sanz
A typology for describing pandemic response strategies and why we need it

Michael Baker
AMR outbreak investigation and response in Fiji: a template for the Pacific region

Ben Howden
Entry screening as a MPox surveillance tool: Evaluation of Islamabad International Airport (IIAP), Pakistan

Zeba Nasir
Preparedness 2.0: how to make a new regional health security strategy relevant in different geopolitical and economical context

Clare Wenham
Targeted Risk Communication and Community Engagement Campaigns during Pakistan’s COVID-19 Response, 2020-23

Majid Ali Tahir
Project GBD: Advancing Biosecurity and Biosafety in Southeast Asia

Jintana Sriwongsa
Leveraging technologies developed for COVID for future digital health needs

Falelima Nati Ropati
The Aotearoa New Zealand Covid-19 elimination strategy and what we can learn from it

Amanda Kvalsvig
Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Antimicrobial Stewardship interventions in 16 Vietnamese hospitals

Jaslyn Doshi
Mitigating monkeypox outbreak in South-East Asia: What can we learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Yulinda Aini
Preparedness for infectious disease incidence following flooding or heatwaves in Europe

Nina Rise
Community-based Surveillance Review in Indonesia

Andrew Prasettya Japri
The UN Secretary-General’s Mechanism

Christine Uhlenhaut
Scaling up Wolbachia implementation for sustainable control and elimination of dengue and arboviral diseases

Katie Anders
Evidence of exclusion and elimination response strategies to the Covid-19 pandemic from the Asia-Pacific Region

Nick Wilson
Moderator Jennifer Cohn Cédric Apercé Priya Basu Sharon Abramowitz Nathan Paxton Mukesh Chalwa Jodie McVernon
12.30pm – 2.00pm Lunch
Poster Presentations
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
2.00pm – 3.00pm Addressing the AMR Challenge 2 Civil-Military Health Security Cooperation Modelling and Simulation for Innovative Approaches to Outbreak Response Preventing, Investigating & Responding to Chemical & Biological Events Vector-borne Viral Disease Drivers Analysis and Mapping of Policies for Emerging Infectious Diseases Strengthening Multisectoral Mitigation Strategies for Human and Animal Biothreats
Creating national repositories for managing AMR data

Reshma Kakkar
Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Conflict Settings: Resetting Military and Civilian Integrated Response Capabilities

Bernard Owusu Agyare
Forecasting of Vector Borne Diseases (VBD) Capability Development for Improved Deployed Force Planning

Emma McBryde
Disincentivizing State Bioweapons Development and Use

Nathan Paxton
Dengue: A growing threat to global health security with new interventions

Joshua Wong
Policy Analysis and Mapping in Research/Decision-Making

Rebecca Katz
Diversifying Stakeholder Engagement in One Health Initiatives

Erin Sorrell
Active Surveillance of Carbapenem Resistant Organisms among High-risk Patients in Fiji

Alvina Lata
Military Health Services in the context of the International Health Regulations: Perspectives from Lusophone Countries

Sílvia Sousa
EpiDefend: Diseaes Early Warning Tool

Peter Dawson
Investigative Interviews including joint interviews for suspicious biological events

Keith Hamilton
Predicitive Modeling of Zoonotic Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Spillover Risk: Identifying At-Risk Locations and Drivers for Targeted Public Health Interventions

Trevor Shoemaker
Policy as Data: AMP for EID

Tess Stevens
Threat Assessment Toolkit for One Health Preparedness, Detection and Response

Ekhlas Hailat
Advancing subnational level multisectoral coordination in Kenya for the containment of AMR

Nkatha Gitonga
Factors associated with chemoprophylaxis failure malaria among Bangladeshi UN peacekeepers in Africa

Syed Hassan Abdullah
Bio-surveillance Decision Support System Development

Nick Golding
Enhancing Multisector Coordination and Response to Chemical Events through the ASEAN EOC Network

Meghan Cook
Recent Expansion of Arboviral Diseases Globally: Factors Driving Risk for Human Disease

Susan Hills
AMP for EID in Practice: Childhood Vaccination Enforcement Mechanismsv

Ciara Weets
Building Resilience Through Veterinary Services and Law Enforcement Cooperation

Madison Wimmers
Moderator Rob Salerno Adam Levine Isaac Bogogh Trevor Smith Jonathan Gass Josephina Campos Abdinasir Abubakar
3.00pm – 3.30pm Afternoon Tea
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
3.30pm – 4.30pm Addressing the AMR Challenge 3 Inspiring One Health for Change One Health in Action in India Innovation in Detection & Emergency Response Australian Perspectives on Global Health Security Strengthening Urban Preparedness for 21st Century Challenges Supporting Health Security in Ukraine
Design & Implementation of AMR National Action Plans: Lessons from Asia and future directions

Alvin Chua
Building One Health from the ground up: One Health Units as a model for integrated service delivery in African pastoralist areas

Siobhan Mor
Enhancing Multisectoral Response Through Tiered Public Health Emergency and Disaster Management Training

Meera Dhuria
Dynamic Public Health Emergency Deployment Systems: Sierra Leone’s Innovative Approach

Sandi Genda
Examining the gaps in global health security assessment frameworks through a social science intelligence lens

Saiful Islam
Urban Zoonosis Challenges: A Multisectoral Approach for Preparedness and Mitigation

Ludy Suryantoro
CDC’s Global Health Protection Program in Ukraine

Aimee Geissler
AMR gene and bacteria in the environment: a pilot for protocol for environmental surveillance in Thailand

Saowapa Khotchalai
One Health Community-Based Surveillance for disease prevention, detection and control in Kenya

Miriam Ngure
Multisectoral Workforce Training to Enhance Outbreak Response: A One Health Approach

Simmi Tiwari
A framework for strengthening the country-level epidemic preparedness architecture: results from experience of four African countries

Jobin Abraham
Epistemic equity in the Global Health Security agenda

Elisabeth McLinton
Safeguarding Public Well-being in Traditional Food Markets through Urban Policy and Collaborative Preparedness

Jessica Kayamori Lopes
Building Resilient Health Systems: PEPFAR’s Ongoing Impact in Post-Conflict Ukraine

Ezra J. Barzilay
Integrated One Health information management for AMR containment in Indonesia

Dealita Munichasari
Evaluation of zoonotic viral spillover risk on bat guano farms in Cambodia

Teng Theara
Multisectoral Collaboration to Enhance the Detection of Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonotic Pathogens: A One Health Approach

Shri Rajendra Ratnoo
Strategic integration of molecular technology and surveillance to detect vector-borne pathogens and public health threats in Papua New Guinea

Tamarah Koleala
Advances and future directions to strengthen health emergency and disaster risk management research

Jonathan Abrahams
Modelling the association between climate change and dengue incidence in the Philippines, 2010-2020

Geminn Louis Apostol
Strengthening HIV Care Amid Conflict: The Role of the Information Management System

Nataliya Podolchak
Moderator Jennifer Cohn Carolynn Poulsen Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Andrew Nerlinger Selina Namchee Lo Mark Ho Pedro Villarreal
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
4.30pm – 5.30pm Addressing the AMR Challenge 4 Open and Participartory Science for Disease Detection Addressing Lassa Fever Vaccinating Communities & Vulnerable Population Groups NAPHS Implementation & Quality Improvement in Africa Domestic Financing for Health Security in Africa Data, Regulation, and Intelligence for Health Security
Engaging consumers on appropriate antibiotic use and tacking antimicrobial resistance: Evaluating a social behavior change in Cambodia

Sochea Phok
An open science platform for predicting viral emergence

Zoe O’Donoghue
Preventing Lassa fever in Liberia: a replicable co-design process

Vera Weah
Lessons learned from experiences of persons with disabilities and OPDs during the COVID-19 pandemic response Australia and the Asia-Pacific region

Jen Blyth
Accelerating national health security implementation through program management tools in the African Region, 2018-2023

Jobin Abraham
Domestic financing mechanisms for epidemic preparedness and response: Ghana’s experience

Harriet Aygyemang
Who benefits from sharing pathogen genomic data?

Elyssa Liu
Enhancing Country Responses to AMR: Integrating Food and Agriculture Sectors with Progressive Management Pathway

Armando Hoet
Citizen science as a tool for enhancing arboviral vector surveillance in a resourced-constrained setting in the Pacific Islands

Adam Craig
Strategic Alliances for Vaccine Research and Development: Nigeria’s Lassa Epidemiological Study

Oyeronke Oyebanji
Disability inclusive data collection and role of civil society organisations for improving pandemic service provision

Wesley Pryor
Transforming leadership to achieve change: connecting and strengthening leaders for better health security

Julie Wahl
Securing dedicated domestic financing for health security: Learning from Ethiopia’s approach

Molla Godif
An engineering-informed approach to global data regulation

Ellie Graeden
The Role of WASH and Waste Management in Preventing AMR in Indonesian Healthcare Settings: Policy Implications

Zahra Shahab
Empowering non-state actors to design and implement effective context specific interventions to find people with Tuberculosis in the community in Kenya

Anne Gorreti Karimi Munene

How an urban ACCHO responded and collaborated

Timothy Senior
Program Management for Epidemic Preparedness (PMEP)

Abrham Ejigu
Innovative financing for timely outbreak response: Lessons learned from establishing Rapid Outbreak Investigation Funding (ROIF) mechanisms in Africa

Catherine Cantelmo
Infectious Intelligence: A Mixed-Methods Study to Facilitate Better Biosurveillance

Sara Samuel
Moderator Gunnar Ljungqvist Irene Lai Jay Varma Kerrie Wiley Deng Akoi Andrew Nerlinger Josefina Campos

The conference program will be conducted in English only.

Day 4 – Friday 21 June 2024
8.00am – 9.00am Genetic Sequencing Data Governance: Next Steps
Darling Harbour Theatre
Dr Mitch Wolfe, Vice President of Global Engagement and Governance, Gingko Bioworks
Ms Josefina Campos, Senior Technical Officer, WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence
Moderator: Ms Outi Kuivasniemi, Deputy Director for International Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
9.00am – 10.00am COVID-19 Mis/Disinformation
Darling Harbour Theatre
Professor Edward Holmes, Professor of Virology, University of Sydney
Ms Maria Cheng, Medical Writer, Associated Press
Dr Kirk Douglas, Director, Center for Biosecurity Studies, University of West Indies
Moderator: Ms Emma Ross, Head of Health Security, Chatham House
10.00am – 10.30am Morning Tea
The Gallery
10.30am – 11.30am Strengthening the Global Health Security Architecture
Darling Harbour Theatre

Lady Roslyn Morauta, Chair, Board of the Global Fund
Mr Joseph Simmonds-Issler, Chief of Staff and Executive Lead of Governance, Strategy and Portfolio Division, CEPI
Ms Saima Wazed, Regional Director of the WHO South-East Asian Regional Office
Dr Magda Robalo, Co-Chair of the UHC2030 Steering Committee
Moderator: Dr Mika Salminen, Director General, Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
11.30am – 12.30pm Health Diplomacy in an Age of Geopolitical Challenges
Darling Harbour Theatre

Ambassador Dr John Nkengasong, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Senior Bureau Official for Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State, USA
Ambassador Dr Lucas de Toca, Ambassador for Global Health, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
Moderator: Ms Maria Cheng, Medical Writer, Associated Press
12.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch
The Gallery
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
Utilizing Data to Health Decision-Making Mitigating CBRN Threats 3 Pacific Island Health Security: Fiji’s experience in building & strengthening capacity Innovating Laboratory Practices for Health Emergency Response Advance Warning and Response Exemplars (AWARE) AI and Health Security Threats Improving Pandemic Financing
1.30pm – 2.30pm Crossing the boundaries to improve the quality of cause of death data

Udaya Samanthilaka Hattotuwa Gamage
The Boxwood Scenarios: Responding to future regional CBRN proliferation

David Heslop
Population-based Age-stratified assessment of SARS-COV-2 Seropositivity in Fiji (PASS Fiji) 2022-2024

Isireli Koroituku
On-Demand, Integrated Lab Transport Systems for Epidemic Preparedness & Response

Luciana Maxim
Advance Warning and Response Exemplars (AWARE) Project – Overview of interim findings of EWS for global health security

Wilmot James
AI and the Life Sciences: Safeguarding Technology, Rethinking Governance, and Preventing Catastrophe

Jaime Yassif
Strategies and Progress in Strengthening Financing Capacities among GHSA Member Countries

Abigail Lopez Rivera
Preventing future pandemics by addressing outbreak reporting barriers

Amish Talwar
Toward Population-Level Rapid Retrospective Dosimetry: The Missing Link in Civilian, Military, and First Responder Radiation Protection

Ian Speers
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and readiness of healthcare workers to manage pathogens with critical antimicrobial resistance

Ana Suka
Catalyzing Change: Strengthening Public Health Labs to Enhance Global Health Security in Pakistan

Shahbaz Ahmad
Advance Warning and Response Exemplars (AWARE) Project – interim findings of EWS practices

Arunmozhi Balajee
Threat Net: A Metagenomic Surveillance Network for Biothreat Detection and Early Warning

Sid Sharma
Health Security Accountability Framework – a tool for transforming health security governance in Nigeria

Emmanuel Alhassan
Geo-spatial Distribution of Diphtheria Outbreak in Nigeria: Associations with vaccination coverage

Victoria Etuk
Towards a Theory of Pandemic Proof PPE

Margaret Rush
Innovative Cross Sectoral Local Government Engagement for Impactful Watershed Interventions in Fiji’s Communities

Timoci Naivalulevu
Strengthening the Capacity of Laboratory Technicians in Biorisk in Guinea

Macire Sylla
Advance Warning and Response Exemplars (AWARE) Project – interim findings of EWS in Brazil

Natalia Pasternak
Cybersbiosecurity Concerns In Data Handling And Management

Rodel Jonathan Vitor
Financing Healthcare during Pandemics: A review of Appropriation in Aid in Kenya’s sub-national level

Robert Rapando
Moderator Christopher Lee Christine Uhlenhaut Joel Negin Scott Becker Amanda McClelland Darren Menachemson Carmen Huckel Schneider
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
Regional Initiatives for Enhancing Health Security Building Regional Health Networks & Partnerships What went right? Success stories in West African preparedness and response A New Coalition for Sustainable Laboratories Countering CBRN Threats 4 AI & Epidemic Intelligence Advancing Global Preparedness
2.30pm – 3.30pm Promoting Health Security through Cross-Border Collaboration: Gulf Cooperation Council Perspective

Homoud Algarni
Timor Leste-Thailand: Regional Partnership for NLSP Development

Sarayut Radapong
Surveillance and laboratory systems strengthening technical assistance in action: the mpox outbreak in Ghana, 2022

Danielle Barradas
Multisectoral Approach to Sustainable Laboratories

Keith Hamilton
Health Security Systems Australia: A whole-or-government initiative for the protection of military-civilian personal against CBR threats

Felicia Pradera
Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to increase infectious disease detection and assessment

Jennifer Miniota
The Three-Legged Stool as a Model for Successful GHS Initiatives –

Susan Kaydos-Daniels
SHARP Joint Action – A European approach to strengthen preparedness against serious cross-border health threats

Anna Katz
Network of networks: an evaluation of the Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network

Meru Sheel
One Health Coordination after Anthrax Alerts in Liberia and Sierra Leone, May 2022 and July 2023

Gulu Gwesa
Sustainable Laboratories in LMICs

Sacha Wallace-Sankarsingh
Strengthening CBRNE Disaster Response Capability in Ukraine, and Similar Auster and Low-Resource Settings

Donell Harvin
Using machine learning techniques to predict disease outbreaks from event-based surveillance data in Kenya

George Agogo
Using QMS Assessments to advance global health security in Kazakhstan

Shynar Maretbayeva
Scaling up quality manufacturing of pharmaceuticals in Africa to promote health security

Adam Aspinall
Towards ASEAN health union: Hospital Partnerships in the Vietnam-Cambodia Border

Xuan Huong Nguyen
Multi-System Approach to Strengthening Outbreak Control Measures: Nigeria’s Preparedness Effort to Prevent Marburg Virus Disease Importation in 2022-23

Muhammad Saleh
Global Partnership Support for Laboratory Capacity Building

Trevor Smith
Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) capability in the age of artificial intelligence

Joel Keep
Rumour monitoring and social listening using an AI tool, Talkwalker

Dorinda Mabon
GHS Index Measures Correspond with Better COVID Outcomes

Jaimie Yassif
Moderator David Brett-Major Joanne Mariasua Oyeladun Okunromade Ada Bacetty Saskia Popescu Darren Menachemson Amanda McClelland
Room C3.2 Room C3.3 Room C3.4 Room C3.5 Room C3.6 Cockle Bay 1 Cockle Bay 2
Hepatitis in Vulnerable Communities Leveraging Next Generation Sequencing for Global Pandemic Preparedness GHSA 2028: Spurring Collective Multisectoral Action in a Post-COVID-19 World Improving pharmacological stewardship to strengthen global health security
3.30pm – 4.30pm

Hepatitis C elimination among under-served communities in Islamabad- Pakistan

Hassan Mahmood
Implementation considerations for genomic surveillance

Noah Hull
Leveraging Multisectoral, Multilateral Initiatives: The Global Health Security Coordination Office

Samantha Dittrich
Non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics by urban community pharmacies in Indonesia: a quasi-experimental study

Astri Ferdiana

Gender and Risk Behaviors Association with Hepatitis-B Infections Among Liberia Military Personnel

Joseph Kowo Jr
Sequencing knowledgebase and catalogue to guide clinical and public health decision-making

Anita Suresh
Leveraging NGOs to Strengthen the Implementation of the Global Health Security Architecture

Yujin Jeong
The Context of Antibiotic Use in Commercial Poultry Farms in Bangladesh: An Anthropological Exploration

SM Murshid Hasan

Screening and Health Education Campaign on Hepatitis B infection among the urban waste handlers of Dhaka

Sadia Fatema Kabir
Country exemplars of genomic capacity building

Toni Whistler
Spurring Collective Multisectoral Action for Global Health Security in a Post-COVID-19 World

Ilya Plotkin
Unlocking the Feasibility of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Community Pharmacies

Mohammed Shukry
Moderator Katie Gottschalk Kenneth Wickiser Anna Katz Emmanuel Agogo
4.30pm – 5.30pm Closing Drinks and Award Ceremony
Cockle Bay Foyer

Best Oral and Poster Presentation


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