
Dr Siobhan Mor

Associate Professor in One Health - University of Liverpool

Dr Siobhan Mor is a Reader (Associate Professor) in One Health at the University of Liverpool in the UK and jointly appointed principal scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Ethiopia. She is an interdisciplinary, infectious disease epidemiologist with a background in both veterinary medicine and public health. For more than a decade, Siobhan has been involved in One Health capacity building initiatives in Africa. This includes: as global health advisor for the RESPOND project (part of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program) which aimed to strengthen capacity for response to emerging diseases in disease “hotspots”; as Research Lead for the Ethiopia hub of the HORN project which aimed to strengthen capacity for One Health research in the Horn of Africa region; as ILRI-PI for the HEAL project which aims to strengthen human-animal-rangeland health service delivery in pastoralist areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia; and the COHESA project which aims to increase uptake and adoption of One Health solutions in eastern and southern Africa.

Global Health Security Conference

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