
A/Prof. Roojin Habibi

Senior Visiting Fellow - United Nations University’s International Institute for Global Health

Roojin Habibi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law (Common Law Section) and a Senior Visiting Fellow of the United Nations University’s International Institute for Global Health. Bridging the fields of international law, health law, and human rights, her current research program examines normative interpretation and change in global health law. With her interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to research, she has convened several international conferences and published in a range of venues, including journals of public health and medicine, law and social science reviews, commissioned reports, foundational law textbooks, and public news and media outlets. In 2022, she was appointed by the WHO Director-General to the Review Committee regarding amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), providing technical recommendations to WHO Member States on more than 300 proposed amendments to the Regulations. Alongside these roles, she has led on consensus-building initiatives at the frontiers of global health law and human rights, founding a partnership between the Global Health Law Consortium and the International Commission of Jurists that culminated in the 2023 Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Public Health Emergencies.

Global Health Security Conference

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