Aprof Moritz Kraemer

A/Prof Moritz Kraemer

Epidemiologist - University of Oxford

Moritz Kraemer is a computational epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, and Associate Professor of Computational Epidemiology. He’s a recipient of the Branco Weiss Fellowship and Ruth L. Kirschstein National Institutes of Health (NIH) fellowship. Currently he is the co-director of the Oxford Martin Schools Programme in Pandemic Genomics, a recipient of the Google AI Faculty Award and the co-founder of Global.health, a data integration platform for open-access epidemiological and genomic data. Moritz research interests are the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases and he works at the intersection of data-science, epidemiology, public health and genomics. His work has been published in Science, Nature, The Lancet and featured widely in the New York Times, NPR, Economist, Der Spiegel, Financial Times, Nature & Science News. Moritz has given over 100 invited international talks and taught courses in data science & epidemiology at Oxford, MIT, Harvard, the University of Sao Paulo, the University of Hong Kong. His group’s work has been funded by the Wellcome Trust, Google.org & AI, The Rockefeller Foundation, NIH, and The John Fell Fund among others.

Global Health Security Conference

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